A changing environment
Due to rapid demographic, ecological and economic changes the urban region Lower Austria-Vienna is confronted with important challenges, especially in regards to logistics.
Increasing (goods) traffic has a substantial impact on the population (due to emissions, limited-space-conflicts etc.) and makes it more difficult to meet the goals of spatial planning and urban & regional development.
At the same time, technological developments, changes in shipment and fleets structures, as well as increasing regulation and relocation of logistics spaces to the outskirts of the city lead to profound changes in logistics, particularly in urban regions.
Project description
The project „Sustainable logistics 2030+ Lower Austria-Vienna“ (Nachhaltige Logistik 2030+ Niederösterreich-Wien; short: Logistik 2030+ / Logistics 2030+) addresses these challenges and implemented an accompanying stakeholder process. In October 2019, an Action Plan „Logistics 2030+“ was presented by the Provinces of Lower Austria and Vienna together with the Economic Chambers of Lower Austria and Vienna and that will be implemented in the coming years.
The Action Plan covers eight thematic clusters with 35 measures and 133 actions. The realisation horizons are short, medium, and long term and a periodic monitoring of the implementation as well as accompanying pilot projects enable rapid practice-oriented realisation.
Project goals
- We solve conflicts of use in the free-flowing and stationary goods and individual traffic.
- We save CO2 emissions.
- We reduce traffic without performance and quality losses.
- We develop concepts in logistics and transport on which general consensus can be obtained.
- We develop and accompany pilot projects.

The Logistics 2030+ project sponsors (from left to right): DI Angelika Winkler (Deputy Head MA18, City of Vienna), Dr. Eva Hahn (Head of Department of Foreign Economics & Transport Policy, Lower Austria Economic Chamber), DI Christian Popp (Department of General Traffic Affairs, Lower Austria Federal State Government Office), DI Andrea Faast (Head of Location and Infrastructure Policy, Vienna Economic Chamber)